Battle of Lewes (invite)

Lewes Lewes and Convent Field, Mountfield Road,, East Sussex,, United Kingdom

Living history backdrop, those who are willing to volunteer – Marshal the battle through the streets of the town.

The Norfolk Tank Museum (invite)

Norfolk Tank Museum The Norfolk Tank Museum, Station Road,, Forncett St Peter, Norwich

This event is a Medieval Event that will be run by Ash from Norwich and Norfolk Medieval Association (NANMA) – Setup Saturday 24th, public in on the Sunday and Monday. […]

Battle of Barnet (invite)

Barnet Lewis of London Ice-cream Farm, Fold Farm Gallery Lane, Barnet, Barnet, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

NEW VENUE Lewis of London Ice-cream Farm Fold Farm Gallery Lane, Barnet EN5 4RA PLEASE NOTE : This site is outside of the ULEZ zone, but if you have a […]

Tewkesbury (invite)

Tewkesbury Medieval Festival 21 Green Lane, Tewkesbury, Glouscestershire, United Kingdom

Living History, Battle & Archery Display

Loxwood 1 (invite)

Loxwood Joust Meadow, Loxwood, Billinghurst, West Sussex

Living History, Battle & Archery Display

Loxwood 2 (invite)

Loxwood Joust Meadow, Loxwood, Billinghurst, West Sussex

Living History, Battle & Archery Display

Loxwood 3 (invite)

Loxwood Joust Meadow, Loxwood, Billinghurst, West Sussex

Living History, Battle & Archery Display

Miltary Odyessy

Military Odyssey The Kent Show Ground,, Detling, Maidstone, Kent

Return to Kent County Showground for this multi-period event. Living History, MAA Display — 9.00am open to public !!!